You can reach your goals! Here’s how…

Are you a busy woman who wants to get stronger on the bike and in life?

Ever feel like your goals are little out of reach? Time just gets away from you and there’s no clear path?

Feel like you need someone who is in your court, cheering for you along the way?

Sometimes it can feel a little lonely to try to reach those big goals on our own.

And that’s why I love being a women’s health coach, working with women just like you, who are ready to reach their goals and stop pushing their priorities to the side.

Feel like you are too busy for 1:1 coaching?

I get it! You are a busy woman just like me. So instead of messing around with complicated coaching plans or overloading you with information, we’re going to laser focus on what matters to you. I will help you tune into the next steps that will deliver lasting results.

Ready to see results?

All-Access 1:1 Coaching Experience:

Have you spent time in one of our group programs but feel like you are ready for the next level?

1:1 coaching is ideal for women who are ready to take an in-depth look at their health and take the necessary steps to change.

Maybe you feel like you have a lot of knowledge, but struggle to apply it consistently. You are not alone! Most of my clients are well educated on what they “should” do but things break down when it comes to applying that knowledge. I am here to help you sift through all the information and land on a plan that works for you, your goals, and your lifestyle. And, I will help you stay accountable to what matters to you!

Here’s what is can look like…

With the All-Access Coaching Experience, you get full access to me, Crank Queens Founder, accomplished mountain biker, Boundaries Queen, and certified women’s health coach. You get me as your cheerleader and guide to support you with whatever those big goals look like.

Here are just a few examples of recent client wins!

  • Mid career woman returning to cycling after a significant injury = completing a 30+ mile group ride, signing up for a multi-day gravel retreat, committing to a weekly cardio and strength routine

  • Busy 20-something needing to dial in nutrition and stop skipping meals = eating regular meals, feeling more energy and mental clarity

  • Busy mom of two kids in need of a regular fitness routine and help with meal planning = lifting weights consistently week to week, eating 3 meals a day, hitting those protein goals, seeing gains, feeling more energy!

What you get access to…

In-Depth Intake Session

We start with an initial 90 minute kick-off session to identify your BIG goals, map out your immediate next steps, surface barriers, and design your customized coaching plan. This session will also include an orientation to my coaching tools and coaching process. You will walk away with a clear plan for the next 6 months and immediate action steps you can take right away.

Total Value: $500

Monthly Coaching Calls

Every month, we will meet virtually for a 60 minute coaching session to prepare for the month ahead, reflect on progress, share wins, update targets and identify new action items.

This will include an update to your customized coaching plan as needed and access to any relevant tools to support your progress. (Five 60 minute sessions total.)

Total Value: $1,200

Personalized Nutrition Plan + Coaching

A personalized nutrition plan to align with your goals and lifestyle, which will include recommended shopping lists, meal plan ideas, portion calculator tips and more.

Let’s not overcomplicate nutrition! I will help you clarify and simplify what you need to do to fuel your body and stay strong.

Total Value: $775

50% off Retreats

Love traveling to beautiful places with other active women, eating amazing meals, and enjoying time in nature? Sound like you?

Take a load off and come with me on a retreat made just for busy women like you who need a break. All Access 1:1 clients get 50% off one retreat per year. (Bend and Oakridge retreats not eligible. Applicable to specific retreats only, please reach out for details.)

Total Value: $1,400+

Stress Reduction + Recovery Tools

Many of us feel torn multiple directions every day… stressful jobs, taking care of kids or aging parents (or both), and carrying the emotional labor for our household, our teams at work, etc.

As we age, we are less able to cope with stress. AND we likely need more time for rest and recovery. Let me help you laser focus on the key drives for improving your health and create space for you to feel peace and rest.

Total Value: $500

Unlimited Access + Support

Need a quick check-in? Looking for a specific resource? Message me on Voxer for support, accountability, and encouragement anytime Monday-Friday, 7am-7pm.

With All Access Coaching, you get unlimited messaging via Voxer, during business hours, to support your goals and progress, troubleshoot and keep you moving forward towards your goals.

Total Value: $4,800

Weekly Accountability

You will received a weekly email check-in reminder for accountability to keep you on track with your goals. Respond with an update on your progress and receive a personalized email from me, including resources and tools to support your goals.

Experiencing a major shift? Tell me all about it and we will trouble shoot and reprioritize together to help you stay on track!

Total Value: $2,500

Access to Digital Downloads

As women, we love to know the WHY behind the WHAT. And my digital downloads offer just that!

Ranging in topics from food and nutrition to how to set healthy boundaries, my digital downloads are available to all of my 1:1 coaching clients as part of their coaching relationship with me.

Total Value: $250

Recipe Guide + Meal Planning Tools

How much protein do I need? When should I eat pre/post workout? What should I eat before a mountain bike ride? What are the best sources of protein for me based on my eating preferences? What if I’m vegetarian?

These are all questions that come up in 1:1 coaching and I have the tools to help you navigate and simplify your nutrition. Let’s take the stress and pressure out of meal planning!

Total Value: $500

Strength Training Plan

More than ever, my clients are realizing the benefits of strength training for their overall health. But hitting the weights at the gym can be a bit intimidating or feel like a Bro Club!

I will guide you with a variety of easy-to-use strength training plans, and you can select which option works best for you. Options for at home or in the gym workouts.

Total Value: $750

Personalized Sustainment Plan

Ready to transition out of 1:1 coaching? Your personalized sustainment plan will give you guidance for what to do AFTER our coaching relationship ends. I want you to be set up for success FOR LIFE. Plus, you get access to me for 1:1 check-ins as needed at a special rate for former clients.

Total Value: $500

Access to my Resource Library

Access to my in-depth wellness tools and resources. Have a question about a specific health topic? Odds are, I have a resource to send you.

I am a life long learner and I love equipping my clients with the right tools and knowledge to further their health journey.

Total Value: $1,500

Over $15,000 in value!

Your investment: Only $750/month for six months.

For less than $5,000, you gain access to over $15,000 in value.

Investing in your health = Priceless

Ready to focus on YOU?

I truly believe YOU are your most valuable asset.

As women, we often put everyone else before ourselves. And leave very little at the end of the day to fill our own buckets. Sound familiar?

I’ve learned that taking care of myself is my #1 priority. It is the magic ingredient that gives me energy to help others and be my best self. I love helping other women learn how to do the same.

If you are ready to focus on your goals without the guilt, let’s chat!

Erica helped me prioritize where to start and what to do first - she helped me get control of an out-of-control existence.

Best of all, she did it with kindness, respect, and helped me create a plan of action for what's next! I found wins and felt success immediately upon beginning.”

- 1:1 Coaching Client

“Before working with Erica I had been told by my docter to up my protein but it seemed daunting to eat that much food. Erica made it simpler and easier to get the needed amount without making my entire day a worry about what and how to get it all in.”

- 1:1 Coaching Client

What others are saying…

Meet Erica

I started as a total beginner mountain biker in the spring of 2018. Although I’ve always been a fairly active adult, I’d lost focus on my fitness with the busyness of life. Riding 6 miles was a BIG accomplishment that first summer.

Eight mountain bikes and five years later, I now lead the fastest growing mountain biking community in SW Idaho with over 100 members and growing. I compete in endurance MTB races, I train other athletes, and I help women around the US start their own MTB communities.

Never did I imagine on that first ride that I would go from 6 miles being exhausting to riding 80+ miles in one day during an endurance MTB race where I placed 1st!

All this while raising a family, leading organizations, and volunteering as a coach for student athletes. (And finding time to read a good book here and there every once in a while…)

A lot of women ask me how I do it. How do I find time to ride with everything on my plate?

The truth? I’ve had to learn to prioritize my health and prioritize myself. And, I invested in myself through skills clinics, learning bike maintenance, buying gear that worked for me, and surrounding myself with other women who love to ride.

Are you ready to transform your experience on and off the bike?


  • 1:1 coaching packages are a minimum of six months commitment. You will receive a total of 6.5 hours of 1:1 coaching via our virtual sessions plus unlimited check-ins via Voxer and weekly email check-ins.

  • I will do my best to work with you to ensure you get the most out of your 1:1 coaching package. I handle unique situations like this on a case by case basis.

  • Most of my clients see results as soon as 3 months but typically within the 6 months of working with me. Each client’s goals and their commitment level to those goals vary. Remember, change takes time!

  • As a 1:1 client, you have access to all of coaching tools and resources that I will share with you based upon your goals and needs. These resources cover topics such as: sleep and recovery, stress reduction, nutrition guides, shopping lists, recipes, mindful eating, perimenopause resources, breathwork and meditation, strength training guides, and more.

  • Not ready for 1:1 coaching? That’s OK! Check out my 90min Nutrition Roadmap session or my downloadable guides.

  • 1:1 coaching packages are $750/month payable on a monthly basis or one-time payment of $4,500.

  • Refunds will not be issued for coaching services already conducted. If, for any reason, the Coach is unable to fulfill her obligations to the Client, the Client will be refunded in full for any part of the Program paid for but not yet rendered. Refunds will not be provided for canceled coaching sessions. (Please be sure to read the full terms of the 1:1 coaching agreement when you sign up.)

Are you ready to prioritize your health and wellbeing?